seasons and age
the year is historically divided by three seasons (here expressed in relation to the gregorian calendar)
- spring (frasi) from 20 of september to 19 of december
- the start of spring being treated as a new year
- summer (zorasi) from 20 of december to 19 of march
- fall (tirasi) from 20 of march to 19 of september
- because of their location, there isn't that much of a difference between fall and winter
historically the age of an individual was measured in seasons, called a siseli, now sesini is also used to mean age in years, with the equivalence of three siseli being one sesini
new year
the historic new year (melisi) is celebrated between 20 and 23 of september, a four day celebration of rebirth and union, aligning with the spring equinox and blooming of flowers on the dragons
mid-fall celebration
in the middle of tirasi (i.e. the start of our winter) is the tira-tibasi celebration, aligning with the full moon of june, it is a day of celebrating perseverance and being able to thrive, historically commemorated with a moonlight festival