dikusionar 98

symbiosis to qoi'nen plants

long ago in their evolution and settlement process, qai'nen oba got into symbiotic relationship to plants of the family qoi'nen, a group of vines that grow along the trunks of trees forests in central and south america capable of radio communication


"sound vines" (lose translation) are capable of transmitting and reacting to low frequency radio waves, which along some chemicals allow groups of them to communicate certain information throughout a relatively large area, things such as the presence of predators or luminosity

the species of vines specific to the dragons do flower and release pollen in the air once a year in the spring, between 20 of september to 20 of december roughly, the flowers grow besides the leaves and sometimes on the dragons' hair and back fur


the dragons have a relation of cultivating certain species of these vines on their bodies since young, letting them root in certain areas, which providing protection and reproduction chances to those plants by letting them not be stationary, also with some amount of nutrient sharing when photosynthesis is not possible

in return those vines provide not just some share of nutrients when photosynthesising, but the ability to use their radio transmission abilities for communicating, trough the passing of low electric signals to the spots where they root

the leaves of those plants grow especially on certain areas

  • antlers, forming a faux tree branch appearance, mainly for receiving signals but also able to be used as a 'repeater' for transmitting
  • tendrils / whiskers, almost exclusively for transmitting
  • tip of the tail (generally with leaves of a larger size or larger amount), sometimes used for transmitting or receiving, but mainly as a kind of bouncer and tuning to extend or focus their signal
  • sometimes along their back, tinting their fur in green